Thursday, February 17, 2011

The past week has been interesting- Abhi and I spent most evenings after work cooking. Now if you know me, I tend to get so frazzled trying to get a meal right, and this week was no different. In stark contrast, Abhi very nonchalantly throws different things together- who would add garlic achar to upma- and comes off as a winner on most days.

We started off the work week with a great aloo, cauliflower stew. We both loved it. Simple and quick. I was trying to channel my ex-roommate who had some pretty awesome cooking skills. Too bad you couldnt say the same about her as a person.
Tuesday was Mama noodle day! If you havent tasted Mama noodles, you should strongly consider getting some at Walgreens (yes! of all places!- perhaps an indication of its (non) nutritional value). I dont know if Maggi noodles is a fair comparison, but its the only one that comes to mind. Its considered as fast food in Thailand and true to its name, its a bunch of desicated noodles that comes in a pack with shrimp paste and some spicy masala. Boil water, throw in the noodles, add the shrimp paste and the masala, and voila! However, on Tuesday Abhi took over the reins, and that means experimentation. I made my peace with the thought of modified Mama noodles. And Abhi didnt dissapoint. Generous amounts of soya sauce, brocolli, peas, carrots made their way into the noodles. Pretty good for an amateur!
Wednesday night was Upma night. I started with a pretty bad feeling that its not going to be perfect- I got home later than expected and Abhi looked hungry. Some background on Abhi and hunger- Abhi and an empty stomach are not good together. He will say he is hungry a few times, and then get very quiet. If he sees that I'm not cooking, he will take it upon himself- which usually means Abhi stomping in the kitchen, pulling the bread, and peanut butter and making all kinds of concoctions. Not a pretty sight. Even less so when I am in the middle of cooking something. He flusters me even more and, in that moment, I know the food's done for.
So, the upma came up short. Fortunately, Abhi added a heavy dose of garlic chutney- worked for him, so all's well.

Tonight we plan on making some cabbage and potato and hopefully, we'll try a spinach and moong dal tomorrow. I've beem spending more time than usual thinking about food, which is probably a good sign for my husband!

Its not as though food is the only thing thats been on my mind. I recently applied to volunteer as a mentor with an organization called the City of Dreams. They work with kids from the ages of 10-14 and pair them up with volunteers. It requires a mentor to meet with his/her mentee at least twice a month and to continue working wiht them for a year. This sounds so interesting, I cant wait to start.

More next time.

Stay good.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New resolutions

I started my day thinking of how I could "do more".

To do more than just work, cook and sleep. It sounds pretty dreary though my last few weeks have been full of setting up our apartment and settling in. By consciously finding more things to do, I'd like to make myself accountable- to all the lazy, warm weekends when I chose to do nothing and all the weekdays when I had more time on my hands.

I have a number of things that I'd like to achieve in the next couple of months-
Start working out- start with 3/4 times a day.
Become an advanced level GA user. Take the GA IQ test- 2 weeks limit
Volunteer- immediately.
Travel- in April :)
And, continue to blog. Write a little bit everyday, or every couple of days.

By writing everyday, I'd like to track my progress against each of the above. I hope to amass some great memories

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Everday day blog is a diary about my daily life. I just got married to a wonderful man and am getting used to a new city.